Sunday, July 17, 2011

How can I stop my dog from peeing in his kennel?

We have 3 pit bulls and all stay in there kennel when we are gone to work. My two females never mess in there kennel. But my male Zeus is a diff story! He won't pee in the house like on my carpets or anything its just in his kennel. We have taking him to the vet to make sure nothing was wrong with him and he checked out good. No issues. His kennel is only big enough for him to stand, lay down and stretch a bit. But he pees all the time in the kennel and licks most of it up. He is covered in his on pee every day. We wash him, wash the kennel and even sprayed some no go in there. One of us is always home and they go out to use the bathroom every 3 hours. I don't give him any water after 6 pm and take him out b4 bed and when we wake up there's pee every where. I don't want to beat him for this. My husband is so aggravated with him that he actually said if he doesn't stop within 2 weeks he is gone. : ( So please any help would be wonderful. He also gorges him self on water til his stomach gets hard and he throws up. So we watch how much water he gets so he doesnt get too much. And he is about 7 months old now and hes done it since we have had him. Hes old enough to know better and we scold him when he does it and tell him bad boy. I dont know what to do.

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