Sunday, July 17, 2011

Atheists: How can you be so sure you won't end up being a Christian?

Others have tried to resist it, and they were unable. It's a force that takes over the mind and heart and even those who've been atheists for their entire lives are sudden bombarded by irresistible conviction over their sin, and the temptation to get saved. If it hasn't happened to you yet, that doesn't mean it won't happen very soon. It's like a viral infection. It starts with a little seed in your brain that starts to take root. Then it grows into a thought pattern. Pretty soon, it's so strong, that you can't resist it. You can try to catch it early and kill it before it grows, but by that time it's too late. Its persistent and continual nagging eventually wears you down until you finally give in. It seems to strike even the most unsuspecting people, yet it often targets the most well-fortified individuals. It has taken others and they say they couldn't resist it... so if it's not a choice, then is it destiny?

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